One of my goals for this year (yes, I’m one of those “make a list” people) was to get a short story published. Not just appear on the web somewhere, but really published by a real magazine. Ta Da!

My short story, “Tio Fernando’s Field Trip” will appear in the October 1 edition of “eFiction Magazine.” It will be online and in print…. check another thing off the list.
It’s the story of what might have happened if I did, in fact, take my wife’s Tio Fernando to that cockfight he kept bugging me to attend. Didn’t see that coming, did you? I think you’ll enjoy it.
The same day, the Naperville Writers Group will publish their annual anthology, Rivulets 28. My story, “On the End of Magick” will be in that one as well. Join us, and learn more by clicking here.
I will also be attending the Oswego Literary Festival at the Oswego public library from 9-1 on October 1, selling and signing The Count of the Sahara. Lots going on…..
More details to come.