When you’re in full-blown book launch frenzy, you tend to steamroll through your social media contacts in a hurry. One person who constantly shows up on my Twitter/X/Elon’s Vanity Project feed is MT Hart. Besides being a prolific author he’s constantly helping others promote their work. I figured the least I could do is return the favor.
He (and I originally thought he was female, my bad) is so mysterious, in fact, he won’t give me a picture of his smiling face. This meme should pretty much tell you what she’s about, though.
So, that aside, what should we know about you?
Hello, My name is MT Hart and I am a horror and erotica author. That’s really about it. I write, I promote myself, and I write again. You can find me anywhere under #nobubblegumvampiresallowed. I am not a fan of the Twilight-style vampires, hence the hashtag.
My third book, The Formal, is about a game of reverse Russian Roullete. Contestants stand in a circle and point a revolver at the person in front of them and pull the trigger when instructed. This game is surrounded by the wealthy and elite who bet ridiculous amounts of money on the outcome of every round. My next novel, entitled “Blood Contract” takes us back to the game with different characters and stories.
I’ve read some of your early work. Can you explain the “MT Hart-verse” to newbies?
My books all take place in the same vampire universe, with my main character being Lydia Hansen. Lydia started out as a mortal vampire, in other words, she was just like me or you, but she liked blood. As the books move on she became much much more! Then the books branched out into other stories and characters each with their own tale!
You’re a little focused on bloodsuckers. What’s that about?
Vampires are my thing. All of my books, stories etc are about the characters I have created in different circumstances, but of course the same vampire world.
Who was your gateway drug?
Anne Rice (RIP) is and always will be my favorite. Her books captivated me from the start with “The Vampire Lestat”. I really started out with Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and others. I remember reading The Exorcist at a very young age. Classic horror movies also played a big role in influencing my writing. But Anne rice remains in my heart.
You’re not hard to find on Socials. Where can people find you?
twitter.com/MTHart12 Twitter
instagram.com/mthart13/ Instagram
facebook.com/MThart13/ FB Profile
facebook.com/groups/coffinsofhorror Hart’s Coffins of Horror
amazon.com/~/e/B08LSBK9V3 Amazon Author Page
If you hate starting series that aren’t complete, consider starting the Johnny Lycan: Werewolf PI series. The grand finale, Johnny Lycan & the Last Witchfinder is available now on Amazon and from Black Rose Writing.
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