Your Boy is in Two New Fiction Anthologies

I love writing short stories. Usually, they are writing exercises where I’m attempting to try something new without investing in a full-blown novel. Two, very different, anthologies out this month feature some of my stories. I think they are some of my best work, if very atypical of my usual stuff.

The first is a very dramatic, serious piece called The Ghost Tower. It is set in Bangkok, Thailand, and features a lonely man and an abandoned skyscraper. Make of that metaphor what you will.

It’s in the 2024 Edition of Whispers in the Desert Wind. That’s this year’s collection of stories from talented writers in the Las Vegas area. Technically, it’s the Henderson Writers Group. I hope you get the book and support their (our) good work supporting writers here in the Las Vegas area.

The second anthology is VERY different. It is a highly political, angry, screw-them-all to the oligarchs and wealthy jerks who are running things. The title, Devour the Rich should give you an idea. it’s edited by my GoIndieNow compatriot, Juliet Rose.

My horror tale, Fur Babies, is about the revenge of a cat lady on her horrible boss. This book is full of rage, and vitriol and (just to give you an idea) I’m probably the least cranky contributor in it, so let that be your guide.

Trigger warning, the book is dedicated “To Luigi.” If you know, you know. Nobody asked me, probably not a choice I’d have made, but I’m only one among many. Enjoy and get a little vicarious revenge on the 1%.

Meanwhile, if you’d like to read some of my other short stories, this site is full of them. Just click on Short Stories and Other Pieces on the menu.

Of course, you can read my novels and my nonfiction work on my Amazon Author Page.

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Wayne Turmel

Wayne Turmel is a writer, speaker, and co-founder of The Remote Leadership Institute. Originally from Canada, he recently moved from Chicago to Las Vegas with his wife, The Duchess. He tries to balance his fiction and non-fiction writing, and loves to hear from readers. You can find him on Twitter @Wturmel. His Amazon author page is at