My Genre ADD is Kicking In Again

What’s a guy to do when he finishes a series? With Johnny and his friends (relatively) safe, it’s time to start writing something else. Okay fine, but what?

For most of the last year, I’ve been writing screenplays and a couple of short stories. The movies are fun if I can get anyone to read them. There are two low-budget horror films and a script for Johnny Lycan & the Anubis Disk. And yet there’s this need….

Enter a new project. It’s back to historical fiction for me. I hope those of you who discovered me with my Urban Fantasy detour will stick with me for this new one. It’s still early stages, but this is what I know:

It’s about the French Foreign Legion. Yeah, I’m not kidding. I’m joining the ranks of Theodore Roscoe and PC Wren, if they’ll have me.

It’s not first person. Every novel I’ve written has been in first person (Willy Braun, Lucca le Pou, Johnny.) I think this one needs to be different and it’s an experiment.

I’m a kid from the rainforests of British Columbia, so what’s my fascination with the desert? For this story it’s back to Algeria with a side quest to Morocco. Gil Vincente is like no one I’ve written before and the tale is much grittier. Hopefully, it will be fun for all of us.

If you’ve read my historical fiction before, thank you. (There may be news about Acre’s Bastard and Acre’s Orphans soon, who knows?) and the Count of the Sahara continues to engage readers. If you only know my work through Johnny Lycan, I invite you to check it out. you have plenty of time. The new book is in its early stages.

Yeah, the story looks a lot like this. Picture courtesy of Foreign Legion Info.

On top of all this, the second, updated edition of The Long Distance Leader, Revised Rules for Remarkable Remote and Hybrid Leadership comes out September 17th. All of that should keep you busy while I’m cranking out Gil’s story.

Don’t let the weasels get you down.