I’m having a bit of fun with the launch of Johnny Lycan & the Anubis Disk. Launch date is November 19, and here’s the kicker: Everyone who lets me know they purchased on that date will enter a drawing for one of 3 Johnny Lycan coffee mugs. Specifically this one:

Yeah, I know there’s an apostrophe missing, but the important thing is not to let Shaggy run the show. If you don’t know what that means, you’ll have to read the damn book. Trust me, they’re words to live by.
How will you let me know? Maybe post a picture of you with the book (or your e-book reader) from wherever you are in the world to social media and tag me. Or email me a receipt from Amazon, or Barnes and Noble, Chapters or Black Rose Writing.
To learn more, sign up for my newsletter on the left hand side of this page.
Turmel’s leap from historical fiction to fantasy is a howling success!
Jean Roberts, Books Delight Reader’s Favorite Award